Struggling with drawing your brows? We found a solution!


I’m pretty sure everyone has heard about 6D eyebrow embroidery. Unlike eyebrow tattoos, 6D eyebrow embroidery is semi-permanent,

lasting up to 1-2 years depending on your daily care and skin type.

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6D eyebrow embroidery is the latest technique used to achieve a three dimensional eyebrow shape in order to make the eyebrows look more natural and stand out, just like your natural brow hairs.

Don’t believe? Let’s see!

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view from above

Qui Yi was the one who did my eyebrow for me. She is very gentle i must say. it was my first time doing 6D eyebrow and that’s why i was a lil nervous at the first place(and excited, of course!).

By adding coloured pigment to the skin, this technique fills the empty spots on your brows to give them a full and flawless look. This technique helps to produce a natural look because it matches the color pigments that can blend well together with your actual eyebrow color.

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The great thing about getting a 6D eyebrow is that it actually saves up lots of my time.

Believe it or not, i always find it hard to maintain or even draw the shape for both of my eyebrow, it’s definitely an issue when you’re rushing to work, date or events.

One of the biggest problems i faced was the scar i left on the right side of my eyebrow during my childhood. i found it hard to cover with eyebrow pencil and i have to constantly check my brows to ensure it is still there LOLL, how nerve wrecking!


Feel free to contact Qui Yi to make an appointment.

Qui Yi is a professional beautician who has been doing 3D eyebrow for more than 5 years. She is also a professional freelance makeup artist by the way. i guess she has the whole package isn’t it?

Oh wait, what’s next? you can enjoy a RM30 REBATE by mentioning “D R E A M E R” while making an appointment with her. have a great day everyone 😀

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Till then x.


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