In the mood to take the perfect OOTD picture? Don’t miss the chance to perfect your photo with these 5 poses!

If you’ve not heard about the term “OOTD” , where have you been? The #OOTD (outfit of the day) hashtag is probably the most used on Instagram. Everyone can take an OOTD picture but to truly make your picture stand out on Instagram requires much more than your typical crossed legs, standing-still, hands-on-the-hip OOTD poses.

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This blogpost ahead will prepare you to learn new ways to celebrate your own style, and take the best OOTD pictures for Instagram.

#1. Sitting Down Pose





Where to do it?

Parks, outdoor cafes, stairs. 

Anywhere as long as they are outdoors. This will ensure ample natural lighting to make your pictures look great.

We  can’t get enough of The Blonde Salad‘s outfit pictures! She is definitely rocking all her outfit poses.

#2. I’ve-Fallen-But-Couldn’t-Be-Bothered-To-Get-Up PoseIMG_3944

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This is literally effortless. Just sit on the floor casually and make sure your photographer snaps your picture from the top for a flattering angle.

Nobody does the fallen down pose better than Rumi Neely.




Don’t just stand still, put some lively-ness to your picture!

Tip for this pose: Walk back and forth slowly so that your pictures don’t end up blurry!

#4. Twisted Angle Pose




How about switching things up a little? If you have an outfit with interesting details at the back, this is the perfect pose to try. Give it a shot!

#5. Take It From The Top





If all else fails, just take it from the top. The trick is to raise your phone or camera to around nose level and tilt the lens toward your body until you capture every last piece. Don’t be afraid to try it multiple time! @xmyde is a pro at this, just check out her instagram feed! Also, check out the #FWIS hashtag on Instagram for more inspiration.

If you need more ootd poses inspirations, don’t forget to check out Pixable‘s post, a whooping 19 poses for you to try out.

So …

Tell us!

Comment below and let us know which pose you are going to try and tell us if we missed out some of your favourite OOTD poses!

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