Wow! How we wish we are right there at Cambodia!

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I’m so excited to share these beautiful pictures i took in Siam Reap, Cambodia. not sure if you have heard about Angkor Wat, the world’s largest Hindu temple (I’m pretty sure you do, especially during your high school days) i wasn’t really enthusiastic on studying history though i got quite a decent score, LOL. anyway, i can’t believe that i’ve got a chance to visit this historical place, YAYY for Wright Brothers 😀

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“Angkor Wat was built in the first half of the 12th century, estimated construction time of the temple is 30 years by King Suryavarman II, dedicated to Vishnu (Hindu), replica of Angkor Thom style of art. Angkor Wat was a funerary temple for King Suryavarman II and oriented to the west to conform to the symbolism between the setting sun and death. The bas-reliefs, designed for viewing from left to right in the order of Hindu funereal ritual, support this function”

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One thing that you should really take note. that is to bring a sunblock with you. i got so tanned after i came back to Malaysia 🙁 i’ve never expect the weather in Cambodia can be so hot, well at least it’s bearable. and also, do prepare small change for US dollars because they don’t have small change all the time. bring along covered clothes, shades, umbrella, again sunblock and covered shoes if you’re afraid of the sunlight, LOL. i do personally love my outfit, especially my loose cut, ripped jeans, so comfortable. don’t forget to prepare yourself a cardigan or a scarf too, you’ll need that. by the way, drink lots of water during your visit to Siam Reap, you know why.

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It was a really spontaneous trip, i must say. i have never been so unprepared for a trip and i was trapped with a really busy schedule.

Kl >> Png & Png >> Kl every week is driving me insane. how on earth i managed to allocate my time so well? LOLL. oh well, i guess i have to end this post real soon. will be updating my next travel post soon 😀 at the mean time (i know this is kinda off topic), but do check out my instagram @cxkhei for more workout tips :p

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